THE MAKEUP BREAKUP – How many swatches in a Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipstick?
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Welcome to another episode of The Makeup Breakup! This time we wanted to see how many swatches we could get out of a Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick before we had to remove the stopper.
Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick in Virginity is available at Beauty Bay (affiliate link)
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Hey crew! I know some people love this video and some (probably new people to this channel) simply don’t get it. We are giving you a visual representation of how much product is in the tube by swatching it. A lot of people find it helpful as they can get a better understanding of how many applications might be in the tube if they know roughly how many swatches worth of product they might use per application (and yes we know, each person is different). Also we dipped the wand in the tube after each swatch to keep the swatches consistent. x BN
Holographic Unicorn nah coz then it’d be a waste of paper
Can someone tell me the big stink over “why didn’t you do more than one swatch per dip” crap everyone is on about?
I’ve seen several people say “there’s more product on the wand and you would have gotten more swatches if you didn’t dip between”
You realize… that if they dip between each one they aren’t “wasting” the product left on the wand after each swatch.. it is just going back into the tube and eventually used later… the product on the wand doesn’t magically disappear because they put it back in the tube… also, by inserting the tube back into the product they are insuring as much consistency as possible between swatches. Come on people.
blaire horan well then you have 300 uses. Each person is different…
Ikr! People are so dumb sometimes it hurts.
I was honestly wondering why and then I literally just scrolled to find this comment thank you
It’s just some lipstick too lmfao y’all are too complicated
Yessss! Thank you people are just aghhhhh sometimes
300 swatches is really good! Shows his products are worth it… also; HELLO PIGMENT 💁🏻
@♡Lovely♡ you’re acting like a children
@♡Lovely♡ tbh I hate the sin but I love the sinner
niche no Gabriel is the only one who’s Jeffree approved so Manny is still not in the clear bruh
♡Lovely♡ wow u think you’re better than a “rascist” by telling someone to kill themselves? No hunny, you’re actually way much worse so stop acting like a hypocritical saint.
Don’t call him trash when you’re even lower sweetie.
The patience required😂
Josie England I skipped almost all of it hahah I couldn’t imagine doing it
I would never do this.
Well u see for me I wouldn’t even try this cuz I’m an lazy potato so ya I wouldn’t even do this lol
Can we just talk about the pigment per swatch tho?
Like good morning pigment :))
why hello good morning pigment *puts hair behind ear* how are you today?
niche NO JOKE!!!!
Emily Flynn Jeffree doesn’t play around.
I love this “how many” series you have going on. Easy to see if you get your money’s worth this way!!
Bleach Bum 1,000 like
Agreed, I think this might be as close as it gets to being able to tell how much use you can get out of a tube of gloss/lipstick. Impossible to clean out the tube completely. Although I think my arm would be irritated to hell and back if I did the constant swatch, clean, dry, repeat!
GKJ Yeah, I’m the strange being named Morgan that posts makeup memes on Not Beauty News group. And all good 👍 I want to send some other things in at a later date.
MissChase86 You’re Morgan? If so, thank you very much 🤗
To be honest, that color would have only looked good on VERY few people anyways.
How many sprays in mac fix +
About 70-80
Stephanie Lopez My MAC Fix+ trigger was stuck, and I ended up freeing it/breaking it. Basically, it’s fine as long as you don’t pick it up by the top. So, one day my husband was rushing me to move some of my things, and picked it up by the top. Now my almost full bottle is almost empty. 😣
ohhh, yes!
Stephanie Lopez it says bbb not 66 and a not her one of those numbers
How many swatches in Tarte shape tape?
just compare the ounces bro
Kirby J me too
Lauren McCannell the video would be like an hour long lol
Angel Hollingsworth how lol
Holly Tonjae this comment has 1K bc of me
i know i’m just asking for MORE work, but could you girls do a comparison of how many in a mini lipstick and a normal size from the same brand? thanks x
I would love to see this! A lot of brands offer mini lipsticks and I would love to see which is worth the money!
Natalia Vertigo yeah they should do a mini vs regular series of this x
and hudabeauty too! 😀
It might be more swatches per dollar! Get the bang for your buck…
Natalia Vertigo you could just do the simple math if you really wanted to.
100 swatches in a 1oz container = 200 swatches in a 2oz container. It’s not that hard.
How many swatches in a NYX SOFT MATTE LIP CREAM!!! Swear the damn things come half empty, and run out after a month!
irem sirin yeah but take a longer to dry n it transfer. I really don’t care. I like liquid lipstick…I just wish it wasn’t so matte. I just want a cream liquid lipstick.
IconKumiho this is genius
jolie those so drying. I had put oil drop
IHaveNoIdeaWhyGoogleLetsYourNameBeThisLongWaitItGetsLongerSeriouslyWhyAreYouStillReadingThis Na its not gross i have a 5 year old lipstick😂😂😂
Suggestion, I love this series, but maybe it would be easier to swath on paper, so you won’t need to wipe your arm as much, and viewers can visualize the true quantity of swatches. Plus it would also give more consistent results if you use grid paper and show the opacity of the product. Just a thought, love your channel💋
@Runa Lu Not “very reasonable”. Imagine how much that would cost
I figured they did it to show how it looks on skin, for example it wouldn’t look the same on paper vs skin and they want it to look like a normal swatch just repeated 300 times
It would waste a lot of paper unnecessarily
i like the mannequin arm or silicon patch idea. very reasonable.
You could use a balm to take off swatches! It would irritate skin less than a makeup wipe. The body shop has a dupe for the Clinique balm!! Or you could swatch on a different surface like a glass palette or paper :s idk if that’s a good idea but just a thought!
Vaseline works too
Anything with oil gets this off easily, even just olive oil.
Ponds cold cream
or use a clear, affordable gloss, press your lips together and apply a lil more till it just comes off like a regular lippie
I’ll usually use a cold cream in full face and the gloss method when I’m just swatching
but wouldnt an oil based remover leave an oily film that would make it harder to swatch? without taking even more time to wash the oil off
How many swatches in a standard MAC lipstick please 😀
Any 3 gram lipstick would be roughly the same but it would make a nice baseline for other lip products
Raider Winn your such a bully .. try to be nice to people not put people down… gosh some people
Raider Winn
Burn in hell with Hitler because you both seem to view your own species/race as superior
can’t wait for such video
you should do Kylie’s it would be like 2 swatches
Queen Ari lmao are you ppl seriously arguing about this? Lol really
@outrageousney ur being more annoying than the armys. If I see a eddsworld or bnha fan in comments I ask eddsworld??? Or bnha??? It isn’t annoying. Their just meeting other ppl who like the same things they do.
Roza a Tea more like 0.1
Queen Ari lmao look at you so annoyed, just letting you know that other fandoms won’t adjust for you
I’m a beauty blogger so I know how hard it is to get just a few swatches of liquid lipstick off your arms, major props to you two for doing so many! My arms would be red as hell
Tre Rook your profile picture has the caption ‘gucci’ in it yet your outfit and attitude is from Walmart. next.
Katie Mills ok. Next!
And this is why I don’t want to venture into YouTube lol
Madeline Madness oh…oh no. Are you mad? Oh so sorry? Is you mad? Oh no!!
Blogger, not vlogger. 🙂
“I don’t want to break a nail!” *has no nail length at all.*
del’s planet agree 😂😂
…because we broke nails doing this type of thing
I would need so much wine to film these videos and not go insane.
Char Stewart pp
Dam thats an old lipstick. That was as summers collection
So it’s Still a lipstick
Its available on beauty bay. Read the description
Anna Forbes doses it matter?
Anna Forbes right? some sites still have some of last year’s stuff but like damn, his new summer collection drops tomorrow
Anna Forbes okay, you’re fine i was just wondering why you brought it up 🙂
what are people like “why do they re-dip every swatch, they could have gotten more swatches if they didn’t re-dip every time” um cuz they can and they wanted the strokes to be consistent and just cuz they re-dipped its still the same, the product left on the applicator is still there and will get used eventually so stop hating and be nice is that so hard!
of course!!
Thank you for understanding Ashley x
Imagine If They Forgot To Press Record!
Lucky we double check 👌